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2014.05.10 2014年の特集 5月:Beauty & Health 特集 SPECIAL アーカイブ

*整体*  遠藤整体




 身体の土台である足と骨盤の歪みは、痛みだけでなく皮膚のたるみや内臓の不調までも引き起こしてしまうことをご存知だろうか? 整体でこれらを治し、骨や筋肉が正しい位置に戻ると、内臓の働きや血液の流れが改善され、身体全体の機能が正常に。便秘の改善、さらには肌の調子もグンと良くなり、美容にも効果的! また即効性がある小顔矯正も女性に人気。

肩凝りや腰痛の解消のため様々な治療を試しましたが、数年前から顔の歪みが気になっていました。そんな時、遠藤先生の治療に出会い、すぐに効果を感じました。一番驚いたのは、自然と足を組まなくなったこと! 歪みの原因を丁寧に説明してくださり、日常生活での自分の癖に気をつけられるようになりました。

Mr. Kumagai(44才)


Ms. Y.I(38歳)

Life Giving Testimonies

 Since three years ago, I suffered from a low backache, a curving back, and a crooked waistline. I tried many kinds of treatment but nothing helped me. I was depressed about this situation until my friend recommend Mr. Endo’s Seitai method. I was completely amazed and impressed by the wonderful effect it had on me. My lower backache was gone with only one session! Gradually, my back straightened out and my waistline became parallel. This all happened by receiving regular therapy sessions, practicing stretching exercises and doing food massage that Mr. Endo taught me.
 Besides all this. Recently, Mr. Endo applied ear acupressure therapy. Since then, I was happy to look in the mirror everyday because my wrinkles faded and my face skin became flexible!
 I am deeply impressed by this wise method and I truly appreciate Mr. Endo, who gave me Seitai Sessions patiently and effectively.
Mrs. S. Y. (62 years old)

 I have suffered for ten years from increasingly severe arthritis of the hip joints. Because of the crippling pain and stiffness, I have lost mobility, muscle strength, and stamina. This has affected my career, my family life, and my social life drastically. I have tried medicines, traction, and even faith-healing. Mr. Endo’s treatment, without question, has helped me begin restore flexibility and muscle strength. I see real, concrete improvement weekly, which has given me a great hope.
 This totally natural, thorough and patient method of stretching is totally invigorating. Mr. Endo’s treatment should be experienced at least once and anyone will understand and feel its value!
Mr. P. S. (40 years old)

 Because of an operation I couldn’t exercise or move about easily for a few weeks. One morning, I reached for something and suddenly I heard some bones pop in my back. I was in terrible pain and I couldn’t straighten my back. Mr. Endo made an emergency call to my house. He was very patient and careful. His Seitai method was extremely effective for me to relieve the pain and straighten my body back to normal. The following day, my headache was gone and my body was relaxed.
Mrs. H. Igarashi

頭、首、腰、膝の痛み/X・O脚/便秘/顎関節症/顔のたるみ/生理痛/月経不順 など


☎973-951-2939 出張可/完全予約制
■NY オフィス
151 W30th St, 3rd Floor, NY
23 Kingsland St 2nd Floor, Nutley
月・火・木 11AM – 8PM
水 2PM – 8PM
金 11AM – 8PM
土 11AM – 6PM
整体・指圧 55分 チップ込みで$100
骨気・整体・指圧 55分 チップ込みで$120