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2017.11.01 NEWS NY

暴走トラックテロで8人死亡 ISシンパの犯行か

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo observe the scene after an incident downtown on Tuesday, October 31, 2017. Edwin Torres/Mayoral Photo Office. This photograph is provided by the New York City Mayoral Photography Office (MPO) for the benefit of the general public and for dissemination by members of the media. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial materials, advertisements, emails, products or promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the City of New York, the Mayoral administration, or the de Blasio family without prior consent from the MPO (PhotoOffice@cityhall.nyc.gov). Any use or reprinting of official MPO photographs MUST use the following credit language and style: “Photographer/Mayoral Photography Office”, as listed at the end of each caption.


ホームデポのピックアップトラックが暴走した事故現場=10月31日 (photo: Edwin Torres/Mayoral Photo Office)

ホームデポのピックアップトラックが暴走した事故現場=10月31日 (photo: Edwin Torres/Mayoral Photo Office)

犯人はNJ州在住の29歳 米国内で過激思想に感化か


テロ事件の現場を視察するアンドリュー・クオモ州知事とビル・デブラシオ市長=10月31日(photo: New York City Mayoral Photography Office)

テロ事件の現場を視察するアンドリュー・クオモ州知事とビル・デブラシオ市長=10月31日(photo: New York City Mayoral Photography Office)